Get Print Ready with Impostrip
Real Estate
From Original to Output
The client had requested Business Cards be added to their existing personalisation product set, but unlike the other products within this category, the cards needed to be printed ‘x’ up on a page, with cut registration and cut marks. They didn’t have many cards produced over the year, so a specific cutter would be too expensive an option.
The problem
Skyline takes the original input and converts it to a full PDF workflow using the information supplied in the original item; so, an A4 document creates an A4 output set, similarly a business card at 85 x 55 mm will create an 85x55mm output PDF. There were several tools available to impose the output, but often they were limited in functionality or licenced per output/printer device. It also meant that print operators had to undertake specialised training on the software and its use.
How we fixed this
We partnered with a leading software company Ultimate Graphics to offer Impostrip. We chose this package because of its leading-edge abilities to impose a variety of jobs quickly and efficiently, while the workflow linked with Skyline seamlessly. Impostrip utilises ‘hot folders’ to determine what to do with any particular job while Skyline also uses a folder architecture to save, produced and automate work. Setting up the workflow on Skyline PrintStation was easily accomplished, the results feeding any output device without requiring and doesn’t specialised training.
Print room production can be imposed quickly, by any operator to any device
Multiple folders can be created allowing you to produce different outputs from
No change to existing embedded work processes
A single licence for all devices, with no click or PDF product charges
Reduction in waste and paper as Imposition can dynamically utilise all the media