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Skyline and Ultimate Impostrip® Empower In-Plant Automation with Integrated Solution

After the webinar on May 20th, we were pleased to find that many businesses are looking for an automated solution for their in-plant and chose to attend our collaborative webinar with Ultimate TechnoGraphis. This article is about why you should choose Skyline and Ultimate Impostrip® solution for your in-plant.

Our founder, Chris Camp, was delighted to take part in a recent webinar introducing our latest workflow partnership, with Ultimate TechnoGraphics and their product Impostrip®, where we demonstrated the seamless link from a user placing an order to a final, pre-imposed document ready for print.

The enthusiastic response to the webinar certainly indicates that we struck a chord with many who have been working to respond to the fallout from the recent events. The need for Print Rooms to operate with skeleton staffing levels has revealed breaks in the knowledge chain and revealed where operations rely on the knowledge of individual members of staff to prepare the jobs to be printed and maintain the service.

The ability of Skyline and Impostrip to deliver complex jobs fully ready to print provides an important level of resilience to operations that need to adapt to any changes in working patterns that are surely set to be a feature of day-to-day life for a long time yet.

Why choose to optimize your digital printing with Skyline + Ultimate Impostrip?

To provide Skyline Print Rooms with more automation options, we have, as part of our Ultimate Technographics launch, introduced a new version of our PrintStation software with enhanced folder functionality allowing the Print Operator to simply drag and drop an order directly into the appropriate Impose folder. Or, for even simpler operations, our Skyline Automate subsystem can monitor a folder, apply the appropriate imposition layout to an incoming job and then direct it to a printer.


The benefits are immediate. One Impostrip license will support all the output devices rather than having to purchase a license for each device as is required for some other solutions. The job arrives at the printer ready to print, so if the person manning the printer that day is not trained on imposition it does not matter, they simply hit “Print”.

Combine it with Skyline Automate for efficiency

Combined with Skyline Automate, the output can be directed automatically to the prescribed printer, or if that is not available, re-directed to another with an alternative layout applied. The possibilities are endless. A second PrintStation may be located at an entirely separate production facility, again, with imposition layouts applicable to that. Remember, all this is actioned by the print room operator at the Skyline PrintStation by simply dropping the order into the appropriate folder, although even that can be simplified by dropping all orders into the same folder and leaving Automate to work out the correct action. As Skyline Imposition and Automate can direct output to any device, the output could be imposed and then printed and/or emailed directly, stored in SharePoint, or Document Management system.

All our systems are open and flexible, with unlimited usage and conversions. There are no ‘render’, PDF, click or other charges to clutter your workflow meaning you can define the workflow you want, how you want it, and deliver it, fully understanding your solution and cost base. We can even do the set-up, configuration, and modifications for you.


If you want to receive the recording of our collaborative webinar with Ultimate TechnoGraphics, send us an e-mail at!


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